Same Budget, Better Experiences

Custom Japanese itinerary just for you

Use Misato.Tokyo to create a custom itinerary that allow you and your companions to concentrate on the aspects of your trip that bring you the most joy, you’ll maximize your Japanese vacation and create unforgettable memories.

What we will do for you

Airplane flying over clouds

Suggest Best Flight Options

We can provide you with several options for traveling to Japan, including the fastest, easiest, and most affordable routes. We’ll suggest the best option based on your preferences and requirements. However, please note that as we are not a travel agency, you’ll need to book the flights yourself.

Hotel room with city view

Select Your Accommodation

We will conduct a thorough search of all possible accommodations, including hotels, bed and breakfasts (B&Bs), private lodgings, and short-term flats. We will carefully select your accommodation based on your preferences and criteria.

Japanese bullet train at station

Provide Detailed Information on Transportation

Since there are numerous transportation options available, we will provide you with the optimal route tailored to your needs. Additionally, we’ll furnish you with information on where and how to purchase tickets, ticket prices, train colors, and other relevant details.

Person enjoying Japanese cuisine at restaurant

Book Restaurants, Spas and Experiences

We will take care of booking everything you need, including restaurants, activities, and high-speed trains. Before your travel, we will double-check all reservations to ensure they are confirmed. Additionally, we will provide you with lists of activities and experiences that you may have never considered before.

Smartphone displaying itinerary app

Organized Day-to-Day Itinerary

You’ll receive a personalized, day-by-day itinerary tailored specifically to your preferences and needs. This digital itinerary will contain all the essential details you require, ensuring a seamless travel experience.

Person using phone for assistance

Support in Case of Trouble

If you require additional information during your trip, feel free to send us messages anytime, and we’ll respond within 24 hours. Moreover, If you encounter any trouble or fall ill during your travels, we’ll promptly assist you.

Person with dog at pet-friendly location

Travel With Your Pets

Don’t you feel a bit sad when you have to leave your fluffy families during your trip? We will assist you in traveling with pets by checking the regulations for importing domestic animals, preparing documents, and communicating with the Japanese quarantine office as well as provide lists of pet-friendly facilities.

Person with suitcase looking at city skyline

Move to Japan

If you’re considering relocating to Japan, we can provide you with information on visa options, connect you with Japanese lawyers if needed, assist in drafting a business plan in Japanese, help in searching for apartments, and more.

Tailored Travel Journey

Person filling out questionnaire on tablet

Please complete our questionnaire so we can gather more information about you and your preferences when traveling.

Person checking email on laptop

We will reach out to you via email to discuss your current progress in the planning phase and to understand your objectives for the trip.

Map with itinerary and transportation options

We’ll create a recommended itinerary outlining the duration of your stay at each destination and the transportation options between each point. If you’d like to discuss any aspects further, we’re open to adjusting the plan accordingly.

Person reading itinerary on smartphone

Once the itinerary is agreed upon, you’ll receive a customized, day-by-day itinerary. Sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in your fabulous travels!

Price Range

☆Special Offer☆

We offer a 40% discount on our services from the prices below for those who promise to write a review after their trip!


Day Range Daily Rate (€)
1st – 3rd Day
€100 a day
4th – 7th Day
€85 a day
8th – 14th Day
€72 a day
15th Day onwards
€60 a day

1. Example 10-day trip
    €100 * 3 days + €85 * 4 days + €72 * 3 days = €856

2. Example 20-day trip
    €100 * 3 days + €85 * 4 days + 72 * 7 days + €60 * 6 days = €1,504